Hope you're doing well.
Today's mental health newsletter includes resources to get counseling, links to daily events, and some steps to take to vibe, as usual :).
Upcoming Events
Calendar of Events/Workshops compiled by Brammy: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?cid=c_2qkl3vb9eqd5i87pph40tda1oc@group.calendar.google.com
CAMHS offers free same-day Urgent Care appointments and online scheduled appointments (typically one week out). Call (617) 495-2042 or book a phone consult on the patient portal. Steps:
- sign in via HarvardKey
- put in your birthdate
- click appointments and then Student Counseling and Mental Health Services
- add a phrase describing what you’d like help with
- pick a time
- fill out the online questionnaire
Peer counseling
- 5 peer counseling groups: https://camhs.huhs.harvard.edu/peer-counseling
- Calendar of drop-in Hours compiled by Brammy: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=c_2qkl3vb9eqd5i87pph40tda1oc%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York
- e.g. Response is open 8pm-11pm Sun-Thurs at https://harvard.zoom.us/j/93816355079?pwd=eVhDVzAzTDRYN1JaUnViWlNSenY0dz09 or +1(301)7158592
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