We only have 3 days of classes left. That means only two to three more zooms for each class.
Tuesday 4/27 @12PM: Integration Yoga: The Subtle Dance of Breath and Body (Center for Wellness and Health Promotion)
Register here: https://secure.touchnet.net/C20832_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=1129&SINGLESTORE=true
Thursday 4/29 @8pm: Guided Zoom Meditation (Center for Wellness and Health Promotion)
Zoom link: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/98840287495?pwd=YTlTNTAzWk1ScktEamZSYXc1TTVCUT09
Friday 4/30 @1PM: Managing Emotions (CAMHS)
For more information contact Rue Wilson, PhD, [email protected]
Lucas's Links:
We're running an impromptu Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week for reading period (4/28-5/5).
This is a chance for you to intentionally notice and practice kindness.
Some ideas for RAK:-Write an encouraging note to a friend-Order food for a best friend-Connect with support resources on campus.-Help a classmate-Send someone who's helped you (like a former teacher) a thank you note
Thank kind people, request help, or send in wholesome messages, and get rewarded for it by sharing this form: **https://bit.ly/RAKwk**
Nominators and nominees will be eligible to win one of many(!) $20 UberEats gift cards.
Self-care Shorts: